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Is it the law to have business insurance?

Office - Hine Chartered Insurance Brokers

Whether you’re setting up your own business or have been running one for a while, the subject of business insurance can be fraught. How do you know what is a legal requirement? Which extra covers are worth your hard-earned money,…

Introducing Industry 4.0

Industry - Hine Chartered Insurance Brokers

Every revolution needs a catchy name. The industrial revolution of the Victorian age may well have gone by other names which fell by the wayside and which subsequently did not make it into our history books. The Internet of Things…

Could Brexit cause customs delays at UK ports?

Lorry at port - Hine Chartered Insurance Brokers

As Theresa May suggests Britain will pull out of the EU’s single market and customs union as part of a “swift and clean” Brexit, the UK Freight Transport Association (FTA) has warned Parliament that exiting without first creating an arrangement…

10 ways to boost workplace wellbeing

Office health check - Hine Chartered Insurance Brokers

The benefits of a healthy workplace are innumerable, from happy staff and work satisfaction to higher productivity and lower absence rates. Perfect when your staff need a little extra boost, motivate employees and improve workplace health by sharing these top…

5 most common mistakes made by SMEs

SME tax - Hine Chartered Insurance Brokers

Starting a small business of your own can be an incredibly fulfilling move for a keen entrepreneur with a bright idea. But sometimes the bread and butter of running your business can get buried under the responsibilities of navigating tax…

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