The importance of cyber insurance for SMEs

Gone are the days when the term phishing was associated with a leisurely Sunday afternoon activity and trees were the only victims of hacking. As we continue to make dramatic advancements in the digital and tech space, the threat of…
The Mail on Sunday has reported a cyber-attack on exclusive jewellery firm Graff. Cyber criminals are alleged to have leaked up to 69,000 confidential documents, including private details of David Beckham, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey and Sir Philip Green. They…
“Cyber crime – it won’t happen to me” say a lot of small to medium sized business owners – because “Why would any one target me?” The majority of victims of cyber attacks haven’t been targeted. Cyber criminals cast their…
Something that quite often comes up is “I don’t need cyber insurance because I have a company looking after my cyber security” or “So now I’ve taken my cyber insurance, do I still need to pay for cyber security?”. To…
I often get asked by people “How many businesses actually buy cyber insurance?”. My quick response is “not enough” however, I always go on to explain why I think this is. I believe businesses turn down the opportunity for a…